Kennewick Wrongful Death Lawyer

Kennewick Wrongful Death Attorneys at Ritchie Reiersen Law

First of all, if you are researching attorneys for a wrongful death case in Kennewick, our deepest condolences go out to you. There is nothing more tragic than an unnecessary death caused by someone else’s negligence. Not only are you left with the void of a missing loved one, but often there is a substantial financial hardship associated with wrongful death claims.

While no amount of money awarded in a wrongful death suit will bring your loved one back to you, or even begin to compensate you for your loss, it can help ease the immediate financial burden of the costs associated with the death, as well as allow for some stability in the future. Additionally, there is some peace of mind in knowing that justice was brought on behalf of your loved one.

Why Get a Wrongful Death Attorney?

Wrongful death claims allow those close to a deceased person to file a lawsuit against the party who is legally liable for the death. Having an experienced personal injury attorney who is knowledgeable in handling wrongful death claims is very important. These claims require a substantial amount of evidence to prove the negligence of the at-fault party. This can include 911 calls, medical records and other important documentation.

The job of a wrongful death lawyer can feel intrusive, especially during this sensitive time – making it very important to find a lawyer that is understanding, empathetic, and experienced. At Ritchie Reiersen Law, you will find our attorneys are passionate about seeking justice for those who have been hurt through no fault of their own.

How Long Do I Have to File a Wrongful Death Claim?

The Statute of Limitations for a wrongful death lawsuit in Washington is typically three years from the date of the incident; however, that can depend upon a number of factors. Although each case can be different, it is always important to act quickly. We strongly recommend you consult with a wrongful death attorney prior to communicating with the insurance companies. Insurance companies often attempt to settle the case for a sum much smaller than it is worth – you deserve better than the bare minimum.

Our attorneys have experience working with wrongful death lawsuits. We have local attorneys who are compassionate and who are dedicated to helping you find the justice you seek. While compensation cannot bring your loved one back, it can help you face the future without financial worries that stem from your loss.

Call us today for a free consultation. We can meet you where you are. The future may seem bleak at the moment – but you don’t have to face it alone. Call a Kennewick wrongful death lawyer today to find out how we can help you.

Common Causes of Wrongful Death

Wrongful death claims occur any time a person is killed and it was caused by the negligence of someone else. If someone you love has been the victim of wrongful death, call Ritchie Reiersen to help guide you through this traumatic period and discover what you may be able to recover. The most common causes of wrongful death claims in Washington State are:

Car Accidents

Car and truck accidents are a leading cause of death in the United States and throughout the world. Having an experienced wrongful death attorney can significantly strengthen your case.

Bicycle Accidents

Bicyclists are especially vulnerable to the serious injury or death in the event of a collision given by the lack of protection to a bicycle provides.

Semi-Truck Accidents

Semi-Trucks are substantially larger than other vehicles, often weighing hundreds of thousands of pounds. Collisions involving semi trucks typically result in devastating injuries.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists, like bicyclists, are very vulnerable to injuries in a collision due to lack of protection provided by motorcycle.

Drunk Driving Collisions

Alcohol–impaired drivers are a leading cause of wrongful death claims.

Pedestrian Accidents

Like motorcyclists and bicyclists, pedestrian versus vehicle accidents are often fatal.

Damages Recoverable in Wrongful Death Lawsuit

A victim’s surviving family members have a legal right to recover damages when a person is killed as a result of negligent behavior. The most common damages available after a wrongful death occurs include:

Funeral Expenses

Funeral expenses can exceed tens of thousands of dollars. A wrongful death lawyer can help the family recover the funeral costs.

Pain and Suffering

If victim did not pass away immediately, wrongful death attorney can help family for victim’s pain and suffering.

Loss of Consortium

A spouse or child can be compensated for the damages they have suffered from the loss of companionship.

Medical Bills and Expenses

In wrongful death claims, ambulances and hospitals still expect the bills to be paid even if the victim dies. An experienced wrongful death lawyer can help the surviving family members get these bills paid.

Lost Wages and Loss of Future Earnings

Family members may be able to recover damages for the financial support they have lost. This includes future financial support that they would have relied on had the victim not been killed.

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