Kennewick Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Kennewick Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Any experienced personal injury attorney will tell you – some claims are just more difficult to handle on your own than others. When a pedestrian is injured by a vehicle, the claims process can get extremely complicated. Having a pedestrian accident lawyer on your side can make the process much less stressful to get through.

A pedestrian is considered any person on foot, walking, running, jogging, hiking, sitting, or lying down. When an automobile hits and injures a pedestrian, it is highly likely that massive injuries will result. In 2018, the most recent year for data, there were 6,283 people killed in pedestrian accidents.

This averages out to nearly 121 people every week. Additionally, the number of pedestrians injured by automobiles in 2018 was nearly 75,000 – that’s over 1400 pedestrians being hit and injured by a car each week.

The data clearly shows that pedestrians are among the most vulnerable people on the road. Nearly 1 of every 5 pedestrians killed in 2018 (19%) were struck in crashes that involved hit-and-run drivers. While children aged 10-14 had the highest rate of injuries (6%) from pedestrian accidents, adults over 50 years of age had the highest rate of fatalities from pedestrian accidents.

Pedestrian Accident Claims Aren’t Easy!

Clearly the injuries sustained from pedestrian accidents are horrific and can easily be life-threatening. The claims process surrounding pedestrian accidents are often complicated and can be incredibly frustrating.

Eighty-nine percent of the pedestrians killed in traffic crashes in 2018 were from single vehicle crashes – indicating there is only one insurance company to try to convince to cover the costly damages this type of injury will have.

Additionally, when the driver is under the influence or the accident is a hit-and-run, it is imperative to have a personal injury attorney on your side to help you resolve the claim in a manner that protects your rights and brings justice to the table.

Why Get an Attorney For Your Pedestrian Claim?

The  attorneys at Ritchie Reiersen Law know how absolutely devastating a pedestrian accident can be. These injuries are rarely minor – in fact, they are usually life-changing. When the absolute worst possible scenario happens and you lose a family member to a pedestrian accident, you deserve to have justice.

Ritchie Reiersen Law’s pedestrian accident attorneys are passionate about helping individuals who have experienced the effects of devastating accidents in their lives. We are dedicated to not only treating each client with compassion and respect, but to fight with everything we have to help our clients receive the compensation and the justice they deserve.

When you’ve been injured as a pedestrian due to the negligent actions of another person, know that you don’t have to handle the personal injury claim on your own. With a Kennewick attorney on your side, you will be sure to receive fair treatment and compensation from insurance company.

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

  • Failure to stop at right of way
  • Failure to stop at red light or stop sign
  • Failure to stop when school bus stop arm is visible
  • Failure to stop at crosswalk
  • Driving under the influence
  • Driving negligently by speeding
  • Texting while driving
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