Kennewick Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Kennewick Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Due to their large overrepresentation in severe and fatal injuries, motorcycle drivers can benefit significantly by the assistance of a personal injury attorney. Motorcycles account for only about 3% of all registered motor vehicles – yet in accidents, motorcycle involvement accounted for 14% of the deaths in 2018.

Among all types of vehicles on the road, motorcycles tend to offer the least protection when involved in an accident. Motorcycles are less visible to other drivers and pedestrians, and significantly less stable than a 4-wheeled vehicle. When involved in a crash, motorcycles offer little to no protection for the riders. In fact, statistics show that motorcyclists were  28 times more likely to die in a crash than occupants in a passenger vehicle.

With over 89,000 injuries per year, motorcyclists take on way more than their fair share of the injuries when they’re on the road. If you have been injured, the Kennewick motorcycle accident lawyers at Ritchie Reiersen Law can help you. Motorcycles have every right to share the road with other vehicles. However, because they tend to be harder to see, they’re more likely to be involved in an accident.

At Ritchie Reiersen Law, we offer free consultations for all victims of motorcycle accident injuries. If you’re unable to come to us due to medical or transportation challenges, we will come to you.

A motorcycle accident can change your life – but with our help, it doesn’t have to ruin your future. Call Ritchie Reiersen Law today to speak with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney.

Why You Want an Attorney If You Are In a Motorcycle Accident

Because each state has different requirements for motorcycle insurance coverage, a motorcycle attorney can help you determine what your rights are after an accident. Due to the nature of the vehicle, motorcycle accidents are more likely to be physically and financially devastating to the rider than a typical car accident would be. Oftentimes the insurance coverage is inadequate for the injuries sustained.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident that was due to no fault of your own, contact a lawyer at Ritchie Reiersen Law today. With a free consultation and no money required upfront, you have little to lose. An experienced motorcycle accident attorney can help guide you through the process of opening a claim, and will ensure your rights are protected throughout the process.

With an attorney on your side, you’re more likely to receive a significantly larger settlement offer than you would working on your own. Life after a motorcycle injury can be challenging – but you don’t have to handle it alone. Call Ritchie Reiersen Law today and let us show you how we can help.

Most Common Cause of Motorcycle Accidents and Injuries

The most common place on the roadway to have a motorcycle accident is at an intersection – typically when a vehicle interferes with the right-of-way of the motorcycle. About one-third of motorcycle accidents occur when an automobile cuts off a motorcycle on the roadway. Often this is due to the driver of the other vehicle failing to see the motorcycle. Other common causes of motorcycle accidents are driver inexperience, weather, or obstacles in the roadway.

If you have been involved in an accident while on your motorcycle, call Ritchie Reiersen Law. With attorneys who have a history of successfully settling motorcycle claims, we can help you receive the compensation you deserve. As a motorcyclist, you have the right to share the road with other vehicles.

Our attorneys will ensure your rights are protected as we fight to help you receive the consideration and compensation you need. With offices throughout Washington, our local attorneys can help you when you need it most.

Ask to Speak with a Kennewick Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

When you are suffering from serious injuries because of the negligent actions of another driver, you need someone on your side. Motorcycle accidents are serious – you shouldn’t have to fight the insurance company on your own. Call Ritchie Reiersen Law to speak with Kennewick motorcycle accident lawyer today. We have handled many motorcycle accident cases and understand how complex and serious these accidents can be. Call us today for a free consultation.

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