Kennewick Slip and Fall Lawyer

Kennewick Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer

If you have been injured as a result of tripping and falling, and you feel this could have been prevented, a local personal injury attorney is going to be a huge help for you. Premises liability law indicates a property owner is responsible for any damages that come as a result of an injury on the property.

Property owners are required to make a reasonable effort to maintain a safe environment on their property for the people who reside, work, or visit there. If the owner fails to maintain and/or warn of the dangerous condition, the injured party may have a right to be compensated.

A slip and fall attorney is knowledgeable in the intricacies of premises liability law, and can help you determine how to proceed with a claim.  Just a small fall can cause some massive damage to your body.

  • Falls account for almost one-third of all non-fatal injuries in the U.S.
  • In 2018, unintentional fall injury deaths were the third leading cause of injury death overall.
  • Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries – in fact, one out of five falls causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury.

If you have tripped, slipped, or otherwise had a fall and believe it could have been prevented by the property owner, call the attorneys at Ritchie Reiersen Law. With Ritchie Reiersen Law on your side, we can help you work through the red tape of the insurance world and receive the compensation you deserve for the pain you have endured.

Requirements in a Slip & Fall Case

All attorneys understand that slips, trips, and falls can happen anywhere.  Sometimes it’s simply a matter of having one of those clumsy moments that everyone experiences from time to time.  Other times, however, the fall and resulting injuries could have easily been prevented.  When you come across dangerous floors, sidewalks that are slippery or cracked, or problems within a building such as unsafe stairways, it can be easy to get hurt if we aren’t paying attention.

These cases are difficult, primarily because proving fault with evidence that will withstand scrutiny before insurance panels and/or a judge can be very hard to do.  For a successful case, a personal injury attorney will:

Prove duty of care
Prove duty of care

The key question in slip and fall cases is to prove that the property owner is responsible for maintaining a standard of reasonable care for the property.

Show breach of duty
Show breach of duty

Once it is shown that the property owner is responsible for reasonable care for the property, we must prove that reasonable care did not happen – either through carelessness or negligence.

Prove breach of duty caused injury
Prove breach of duty caused injury

This stage includes evidence showing that because the property owner failed to maintain a standard of care, you suffered an injury as a direct result.

Examples of Slip and Fall Law

Slip and Fall

Slip and falls can cause serious injuries – including traumatic brain injury, back and neck injuries and, in the worst case scenario, even death. The National Floor Safety Institute reports that slip and fall accidents are responsible for approximately one million hospital visits every year.

Slips and fall cases are very difficult to work through, as there are numerous requirements in proving liability.

Snow, Ice and Water Accidents

Weather can create very dangerous and slippery conditions. Although a property owner cannot control the weather, they have the responsibility to keep the property reasonably safe from these dangerous conditions. Not all slip and fall cases involving snow, ice or water are able to be compensated; however, if the injury could have been avoided had the owner not been negligent, there may be a claim against that property owner.

An experienced Kennewick slip and fall attorney can help you go through the details of the incident and determine if there is cause to move forward with your case.  There are several factors that will go into determining whether the property owner has maintained the “reasonable standard of care.”

If you have been injured as a result of a slip, trip, or fall and feel it could have been prevented, call Ritchie Reiersen Law today.

A free consultation will give you an opportunity to present your situation to a local personal injury attorney and ask your questions. We will give you honest feedback about your case. We strive to empower our clients to understand the law and the options that lay before them.

You have questions. We have answers.

Figuring out the best course of action after an accident can be intimidating. Without taking the correct steps to protect your rights, you could miss out on a significant sum of money. Our attorneys will go the extra mile to secure the maximum compensation you deserve.

Our Slip and Fall Lawyers Can Help You Today!

We have helped thousands of victims get the compensation they deserve. Our track record of successful outcomes totals more than $25 million in injury cases. We don’t charge you until you win. Experience success with Ritchie Reiersen Law. Contact us

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