Kennewick Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Nursing Home Neglect Attorneys Can Help Protect Your Loved Ones

If your loved one has been a victim of nursing home neglect or abuse, it is imperative that the nursing home be held responsible for the actions of their employees.

The Kennewick nursing home abuse lawyers at Ritchie Reiersen Law have spent many years helping protect the rights of individuals who are being mistreated and injured through no fault of their own – and they can help you find justice through this difficult situation.

An Aging Population With Increased Needs

When our parents or spouse get to the advanced age where health concerns become more than we are able to handle on our own, we often turn to nursing homes in the community to give them the daily care that is required to keep them healthy and safe. We trust these nursing homes to care for our loved ones in every way – medically, emotionally, and socially. Much of the time this happens as expected and is a blessing that allows us to be involved with the daily life of our loved ones, yet decreases the stress and heartache that accompanies our inability to fully care for them at the level their health requires.

When the unthinkable happens, however, and we find that our older loved ones are not being properly cared for in the nursing home, what recourse is available? At Ritchie Reiersen Law, we recognize and honor our aged population. These individuals have lived through a multitude of changes and challenges in their lives, and they deserve to be cared for with the love and respect that their own family would provide. When nursing homes fail to provide safety for their residents, either as a result of neglect or outright abuse, it is imperative that they be held responsible.

What Does Nursing Home Neglect Look Like?

When our loved ones enter a nursing home, it is usually due to health concerns that are more than we can help them with on our own in our homes. We trust the nursing home staff to give these loved ones the attention and medical care that they critically need. What should we look for as red flags that perhaps our loved ones aren’t receiving the care they need? Some signs of nursing home neglect can include:

  • Inadequate sanitation and hygiene
  • Depression or isolation
  • Unexplained injuries, falls, bruises, or sores
  • Dehydration or malnutrition
  • Continuous illnesses
  • Bedsores

Because individuals of this population are considered “vulnerable adults” there are special legal considerations given to them. However, due to medical or other issues, they may not be able to tell us what is happening to them at the nursing home. It is important to be vigilant, and if you suspect your loved one is experiencing neglect, contact an attorney right away.

At Ritchie Reiersen Law, we understand how devastating instances of elder abuse and neglect can be on the entire family. We feel it is important to talk about the issue and demand justice – not only for your own loved one, but also for the other individuals who may not have someone to advocate for them. If you suspect abuse or neglectful actions in a nursing home, call us today to speak with a local personal injury attorney. We offer a free, no-obligations consultation and would be honored to earn your trust and help your loved ones live their golden years surrounded by love and respect.

Neglect is the only type of nursing home abuse that could be considered unintentional. This often occurs when a facility often has poor management, is understaffed, has poorly trained staff, or fails to have proper oversight. Overcrowding can also lead to neglect of residents. Abuse in a nursing home can take many forms.

Physical Abuse

Includes, hitting, slapping, pushing, or otherwise causing physical harm on purpose. Inappropriate use of restraints can also be considered physical abuse.

Financial Abuse

Includes unauthorized use of a resident’s money, credit cards, or financial assets. This also includes billing for procedures that aren’t needed or weren’t received.

Sexual Abuse

Includes any unwanted or inappropriate attention that is sexual in nature – fondling or touching, exposing oneself to a resident, or unnecessarily causing a resident to be naked can all be considered sexual abuse.

Emotional Abuse

Is much more difficult to notice unless you witness it – but can include embarrassing a resident, belittling them, isolating residents, or threatening a resident (often to hide other forms of abuse).

How Can We Help You Fight For Justice In a Case of Nursing Home Neglect?

If you suspect neglect or abuse in a nursing home, it is important to find help right away. If neglect or abuse is happening to your loved one, it is most likely happening to many of the residents. You can be a force in stopping the abusive nature of the nursing home by bringing it to light. You can expect your Kennewick nursing home abuse attorney at Ritchie Reiersen Law to:

  • Help calculate the damages your loved one is owed due to their experiences and suffering;
  • Communicate with you on a regular basis to keep you updated on progress of case;
  • Fully investigate and collect evidence to support your claim, including gathering records that will prove the extent of damages your loved one has experienced;
  • Manage all communication with the nursing home, its insurance company, and its legal team;
  • File a lawsuit on behalf of your loved one and represent your family in court, if necessary.
  • Attempt to negotiate a fair settlement agreement; and
What Damages Are Available in Cases of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect?

As your legal representative, the attorneys at Ritchie Reiersen Law will listen to you and your loved ones experiences. We will fully investigate the situation. If we can prove that your loved one is experiencing abuse or neglect, we may be able to recover financial compensation for them. Some of the damages your loved one may be able to receive include:

  • Any out-of-pocket expenses that were incurred due to the neglect or abuse and the effects of that
  • Reimbursement of money lost through financial abuse
  • Costs related to changing facilities
  • Damages for the pain and suffering your loved one experienced
  • Expenses related to medical treatment

Obviously no amount of financial compensation makes up for the neglect or abuse that was suffered – but it can bring a sense of justice to an unfortunate situation and help your loved one find a different nursing home facility if needed.

We offer a free consultation for all clients, and work on a contingency fee system. If we take your case, you don’t pay us until we win for you. There are no up-front costs, and no hidden expenses. We are open and honest in the way we conduct business, and we consider it an honor to earn your trust. Fighting against nursing home neglect can feel overwhelming – but you don’t have to do it alone. We have the skills and knowledge to take on that fight for you and help you and your loved ones find peace in their surroundings.

Why Choose Ritchie Reiersen Law to Help You Fight Nursing Home Neglect?

At Ritchie Reiersen Law, our clients come first. We are committed to treating all individuals with honor and respect. Not only are cases of nursing home abuse and neglect illegal, but it cuts deep in our hearts to see our valued older generation being mistreated. With a strong knowledge of the law and the ability to fight for the rights of your loved one, we will do everything in our power to not only put a stop to the abuse and neglect, but to help your loved one receive compensation for the damages they have had to endure. Our Kennewick elder mistreatment lawyers are passionate about standing up for justice and doing the right thing.

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