Kennewick Child Injury Lawyer

Both parent and child suffer the consequences when a child injury occurs. All too often, these accidents are a result of the negligence of a third party who violated their duty of care to protect others from harm, especially children. This carelessness may make them legally liable when the claim is properly proven. Evidence of how the defendant’s conduct caused the child’s injury is a necessary part of any successful claim, which is where a skilled personal injury attorney becomes so important.

A Kennewick child injury lawyer is prepared to assist you with your case. You and your child deserve quality representation from a team who knows what you are going through and wants to do everything they can to help.

Steps to Take After a Child’s Accident

Immediately after a child is injured, the nearest adult should get them medical attention. Their health and safety are the top concern, but this also documents what damage was done, to be used in a claim later. Once the child has received the medical care they need, the parent can begin to collect potential evidence for the case.

This often includes taking pictures of the injuries, retaining documents related to medical treatment, and gathering witness contact information. With the assistance of an attorney, the plaintiff can begin the investigation of the claim soon after the accident, when the evidence is most accessible. Proper evidence is an important requirement of a potentially successful claim.

How a Child’s Injuries Occur

Adults should take extra care when they are around children, since their negligence might lead to catastrophic results. Situations that commonly arise in child injury cases include, but are not limited to:

These scenarios are even more dangerous to children than to adults because they do not have the life experience to know when to avoid unsafe situations or how to check for safety. A Kennewick child accident attorney could prove invaluable when attempting to prove negligence on behalf of the liable party.

Filing a Child Injury Claim in Kennewick

Children are not allowed (and most likely incapable) of filing their own lawsuit for damages due to an injury they suffered. Instead, their parent or guardian is legally empowered to file on their behalf. This adult also has the right to hire a child injury lawyer in Kennewick to appropriately handle this complex type of case.

Revised Code of Washington 4.16.080 sets a three-year filing deadline for most types of personal injury claims. However, claims involving injuries related to children are typically subject to tolling—meaning that this time limit does not begin to run until the child reaches the age of eighteen. At that point, the three-year statute of limitations begins running. In most cases, it is better to handle the claim immediately, rather than wait. Not only is the evidence of better quality soon after the accident, but the parent’s claims for damages may not be tolled in the same way. Waiting too long could result in the loss of potential compensation.

Pursue a Valid Claim with a Kennewick Child Injury Attorney

Protect your rights and the rights of your child by filing a personal injury claim against an individual or entity that failed in their obligation to provide a standard of care. You both have rights that deserve legal protection. Substantial compensation could be available to the child, as well as yourself, as a result of this serious accident. Speak to an experienced Kennewick child lawyer to learn more about your specific case.

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3919 W. Nob Hill Blvd Yakima, WA 98902!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2712.0583372940328!2d-122.4357985843843!3d47.17629437915846!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x549101dac21ffe2b%3A0x5e4dcde225fcbca8!2s8833%20Pacific%20Ave%20S%2C%20Tacoma%2C%20WA%2098444!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1646428403617!5m2!1sen!2sus
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5331 S. Macadam Avenue Suite 130 Portland OR 97239!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2714.3339018442944!2d-119.28043868438589!3d47.13172407915601!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x5499394bddf63aa9%3A0xbc1f426ff7a9a81f!2sRitchie-Reiersen%20Injury%20%26%20Immigration%20Attorneys!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sin!4v1637582035051!5m2!1sen!2sin
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