Kennewick Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Dealing with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most difficult things that a person might ever have to do. In many cases, a TBI harms the functioning of the brain, sometimes permanently, which can then affect the rest of the body. While some symptoms might take weeks to present itself, in other cases the change might be immediate. Regardless of when the damage is discovered, you could be compensated by the negligent party for all of your losses. Using a trustworthy catastrophic injury attorney to recover from a traumatic brain injury can be very beneficial to your claim.

A proper investigation of your claim might reveal the evidence necessary to set you up for success. A Kennewick traumatic brain injury lawyer knows what to look for and how to present the evidence in such a way that maximizes your odds of being compensated.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury has a rather broad definition, as it refers to any injury that affects how the brain functions. Typically, these injuries are the result of a blow to head or something penetrating the skull. This could include impact with an object, a gunshot, or a stabbing wound. Additionally, a driver suddenly slamming on the brakes could knock someone’s head into the side of the car, causing a concussion and traumatic brain injury.

Medical treatment, especially for a TBI, can be incredibly expensive, and treating the brain could also last for years. Patients might not be able to work and provide for their family, which adds another layer of economic difficulty. Fortunately, the party responsible for causing for the accident is also responsible for compensating the injured parties.

Concussions as Traumatic Brain Injuries

Concussions are considered a mild form of a traumatic brain injury. While they are considered mild compared to certain other injuries, they are still serious and require professional treatment in order prevent it from getting worse, which could involve the impairment of functions. An untreated concussion has also been known to lead to:

  • Migraines and headaches
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Blurry or distorted vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Confusion and imbalance
  • Brain bleeds

If someone is experiencing these symptoms after being struck in the head, they should call a Kennewick TBI lawyer immediately.

Securing Compensation After Brain Damage

A plaintiff will be able to seek compensation for their TBI when they can present sufficient evidence of the cause of the accident. Once this causation element is established, they must show they are entitled to monetary damages. Revised Code of Washington 4.56.250 defines the types of damages that are available to an injured person in this situation.

Economic Damages

Economic damages establish the harms that are identifiable by specific monetary amounts. These include more “actual” losses to a plaintiff’s finances, such as past and future medical expenses, costs of rehabilitation, property damage, lost income, and lost salary potential.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are not identifiable with a specific number. They instead represent damages like pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and disfigurement, which are not quantified like a hospital bill but are still losses that need to be addressed. A traumatic brain injury attorney in Kennewick could help someone figure out which non-economic damages they can ask for. If the negligence was the result of extremely reckless or purposeful actions, punitive damages could also be added into the equation.

Learn How to File a Legal Claim with a Kennewick Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

With the support of our distinguished law firm, you could have all the help you need to determine the extent of your damages and whether you are eligible for compensation. You should not have to do it alone, especially with a TBI that may have affected your cognitive abilities. A Kennewick traumatic brain injury lawyer is available to help you pursue what you deserve. Contact our office today.

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