Kennewick Paralysis Injury Lawyer

When a person suffers from paralysis, their life will inevitably change forever, and not just from a physical standpoint. Even small injuries that result in localized paralysis could upend your life but paralysis of the entire body requires significant compensation to account for all of your losses. If the negligence of another person is the reason you suffered this severe harm, you might be entitled to a large settlement or jury verdict with the help of a dedicated catastrophic injury attorney.

A Kennewick paralysis injury lawyer has the skill and training necessary to manage your case and seek the compensation you need. Schedule your consultation with us now and get your case started.

How Paralysis Can Occur

Paralysis is a potential outcome for all different types of accidents. When the egregious negligence of another person causes this severe harm, they may be legally responsible for the financial losses that followed. With a proper investigation of the claim, the cause of the accident could be determined in order to help prove the personal injury claim. Causes of paralysis injuries often include:

If the fault lies with the defendant, an injured party could be fairly compensated for their various losses. A Kennewick paralyzing injury lawyer could help someone fight for this compensation.

Major Paralysis Injuries in an Accident

Paralysis can occur in just a limited area of the body. This could mean the loss of feeling in a hand, part of the face, a single foot, or other isolated area, sometimes temporarily. While less serious than other paralyzing injuries, they are still significant and can disrupt a person’s home and work life.

A more serious form of injury occurs when a person suffers paraplegia, which is when they lose all sensation below the waist and typically results in complete loss of motor function as well. Without the ability to walk, a person’s life is forever altered. It might also affect their ability to control their bowels and inhibit their sexual function, which can seriously affect a person’s quality of life.

Quadriplegia, also referred to as tetraplegia, causes paralysis from everywhere below the neck. Usually the result of a high spinal cord injury, this serious condition means the person will never be able to walk, eat, or take care of themselves on their own. They will require help with bathing, bathroom assistance, and every other aspect of daily life. While a lawsuit cannot reverse their condition, it could help pay for the enormous costs associated with it.

Establishing Negligence in a Paralysis Case

The plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant was the cause of the accident in order to be successful. Following the Washington Rules of Evidence, the plaintiff must connect the cause of the accident—for example, a truck crash—with an act perpetrated by the defendant. The evidence rules lay out specific requirements about what type of proof is necessary and permitted in order to prove the claim.

Properly researching and utilizing evidence is key to success, which is why retaining the services of a paralysis injury attorney in Kennewick is a good idea. These legal rules are complicated for a self-represented person to handle and may result in an unproven claim.

Consult a Kennewick Paralysis Injury Attorney Now

After suffering a paralyzing injury, you will need a consultation in order to determine the best strategy to secure your deserved restitution. The defendant’s insurance company will fight hard to avoid paying anything. A Kennewick paralysis injury lawyer is available to join your side and get you the help that you need, so call our office today.

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3919 W. Nob Hill Blvd Yakima, WA 98902!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2712.0583372940328!2d-122.4357985843843!3d47.17629437915846!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x549101dac21ffe2b%3A0x5e4dcde225fcbca8!2s8833%20Pacific%20Ave%20S%2C%20Tacoma%2C%20WA%2098444!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1646428403617!5m2!1sen!2sus
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5331 S. Macadam Avenue Suite 130 Portland OR 97239!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2714.3339018442944!2d-119.28043868438589!3d47.13172407915601!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x5499394bddf63aa9%3A0xbc1f426ff7a9a81f!2sRitchie-Reiersen%20Injury%20%26%20Immigration%20Attorneys!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sin!4v1637582035051!5m2!1sen!2sin
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